Yinghua Wang
Senior China Advisor
Mr. Yinghua Wang rejoined The Cohen Group as Senior China Advisor in November 2022, after working for Varian as Government Affairs Head for Greater China. Before his year at Varian, Mr. Wang worked for The Cohen Group for 14 years, serving as Tianjin Chief Representative and then China Chief Representative. In those roles, he led support for multinational clients from a wide range of sectors, helping them pursue stable and sustainable business development in the China market. He has extensive government relations experience, including shaping strategy, policy analysis, stakeholder mapping, and crisis management.
Mr. Wang worked for the Tianjin Municipal Government Foreign Affairs Office as Deputy Director from June 1997 until June 2007. Before that, he was a college teacher for five years.
Mr. Wang received his BA from Tianjin Foreign Studies University and MBA from Newcastle University in UK.