Paul Myler

Paul Myler

Paul Myler

Senior Counselor

Ambassador Paul Myler served as Deputy Chief of Mission at the Australian Embassy in Washington, DC from 2021–2024. In this capacity, he supported Ambassadors Hockey, Sinodinos, and Rudd through major geopolitical and economic shifts including the COVID-19 pandemic, establishment of AUKUS, strengthening of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, and prioritization of trusted supply chains, including for critical minerals, among other significant geopolitical developments.  

A diplomat with over 30 years’ experience, Ambassador Myler was Australia's Ambassador to Russia and the countries of Central Asia from 2013–2015. Ambassador Myler’s other roles included Assistant Secretary, North East Asia and Assistant Secretary, India and Indian Ocean, spearheading efforts to increase strategic and defence cooperation, diversify Australia’s economy, and generate a more robust Indo-Pacific regional architecture; Assistant Secretary, Strategic Issues and Intelligence, contributing to Australia’s 2016 Defence White Paper and Cybersecurity Strategy; and Assistant Secretary, Northern, Southern and Eastern Europe, managing bilateral relations with 38 European countries. From 2008–2010, he led the Australian diplomatic response to the Global Financial Crisis and the evolution of the G20 as head of the International Financial Crisis Task Force within the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and as a member of the Australian Government’s International Economic Policy Group.

Ambassador Myler also served as Chief of Staff to the Hon. Martin Ferguson AM MP, Australia’s Minister for Resources and Energy and Minister for Tourism from 2010–2011. Ambassador Myler led Australia’s civilian participation in key INDOPACOM military exercises in 2017 (Talisman Saber) and 2019 (Pacific Sentry).