The Cohen Group (TCG) advises and assists a variety of financial services and investment firms, from global banking and insurance leaders to private equity, hedge and real estate funds, providing support on regulatory, policy, geopolitical, transactional, and other matters. With a team comprised of cabinet, senior subcabinet, civil service and business professionals from the US, China, India, Australia, and Europe, TCG has the expertise to assist in a wide range of situations globally, as reflected in the examples below.
Financial Service Firms
- Assisted a leading microfinance firm on policy and regulatory issues in Asia, successfully persuading national officials to counter provincial-level 'populist' policies that hindered consumer access to credit.
- Assisted a US auto finance firm to secure an Asian government's approvals needed to protect our client's $300 million investment.
- Advise financial services firms to address regulatory/political issues in Asia, Europe, and Latin America.
- Assisted a US consumer financial services firm to address supply chain cyber security vulnerabilities.
- Secured an Asian banking regulator's approval for a multinational bank to sell its local subsidiary.
- Assisted an aviation finance firm to recover assets overseas by working with local authorities.
- Advised and assist large US property and casualty insurers on policy issues at the Federal and State level, including promoting legislation, testifying to Congress and State legislatures, advocating in the media.
- Advised and assisted a leading international countertrade and offsets firm in Asia and the Middle East.
- Led and managed a commission created by US States, European insurers and Jewish groups to resolve insurance claims of Holocaust victims. Over $300 million was awarded or offered to claimants.
- Identified and vetted investors for multiple large industrial investment projects.
- Advised and assisted US banks and institutional investors on collection of impaired sovereign debt.
- Advised investors on geopolitical events and regulatory processes globally, such as assessing world events that affect petroleum, metals, mining, forestry, and other natural resources; political changes that pose nationalization and other business risks; and prospects for regulatory review of mergers.
- Assisted investors in international projects facing regulatory and political issues. Examples include:
- assisted a hedge fund to resolve a dispute with a Chinese manufacturer in which it was invested;
- vetting clients' local bankers and investment partners, such as on a $11 billion Saudi project;
- advising on situations potentially involving FCPA/AML/CTF issues.
- Assisted foreign investors in US government-leased property to maximize income and sale value.
Corporate Transactions
- Buy-side support including due diligence, evaluating target firms' market position, business pipeline, technology, management, customer reputation and growth opportunities.
- Assisted in multiple acquisitions and joint ventures in China, from oil services to automotive sector.
- Assisted to secure regulatory approval of acquisitions. Total value of deals since 2013 over $60 billion. Examples include helping to secure antitrust approval of a deal initially viewed as a two-to-one merger, Chinese antitrust approval of multiple deals, and CFIUS approval of challenging technology cases.
- Helped to generate and facilitate cross-border transactions including identifying, introducing, vetting, and supporting negotiations with investors and joint venture partners.
- Assisted firms to prepare for sale or IPOs through organizational development and restructuring, business development, strategic partnerships, market analysis, and other mechanisms to enhance valuations.