Paul R. Gebhard
Vice President
As Special Assistant to Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld (January 2001–June 2001), Mr. Paul Gebhard was responsible for management and oversight of several key defense strategy reviews to support the Bush Administration's strategic assessment of defense. These included reviews of military pay and housing issues, transformation of US defense capabilities, future development of the conventional force structure, reform of the weapons acquisition process, and reform of the Department's financial management system.
While serving as Assistant Chief of Staff to Secretary of Defense Cohen (June 1998–January 2001), Mr. Gebhard handled a wide range of sensitive issues including selected acquisition program reviews, reviews of proposed corporate mergers including BAE's purchase of Sanders Associates from Lockheed Martin, and oversight of the investigation of the terrorist attack on the USS COLE in 2000. Mr. Gebhard also developed the initial options for adapting export controls and procedures to industry consolidation, globalization and ongoing proliferation of technology and weapons.
Mr. Gebhard was competitively selected for the Senior Executive Service in 1995. From 1996–1998, he served as Director, Office of Defense Plans at the US Mission to NATO, Brussels, Belgium where he played a central role in preparing Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary for taking on their defense responsibilities as new members of NATO.
Mr. Gebhard is a Nonresident Senior Fellow at the Brent Scowcroft Center for International Security at the Atlantic Council, and a member of the International Institute for Strategic Studies.
Mr. Gebhard received his Masters in International Affairs from Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs in 1986, and received his BA with Honors from Brown University in 1983. He has been awarded the Department of Defense Medals for Distinguished Civilian Service, Meritorious Service, and for Exceptional Service.