
China is a market of enormous complexity. The Cohen Group's China Practice, with professionals in Beijing, Shenzhen, Tianjin, and the United States and Australia, has a demonstrated record of success supporting companies with business in China.

The Cohen Group’s China Practice helps companies support their business operations in China, the world’s second largest economy. With decades of experience, on-the-ground expertise, and personal and professional relationships throughout the region, our team helps companies of all sizes from around the world to navigate the commercial terrain in China, assess risks, manage regulatory and supply chain issues, and tackle geopolitical challenges. Our team includes former US Ambassador to China Nick Burns, former President of the US-China Business Council Ambassador Craig Allen, former Chairman of the US Chamber of Commerce in China Bill Zarit, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce for China Scott Shaw, former Acting Ambassador to China Dave Rank, Dr. Qian Bai, and other highly experienced professionals.

Secretary William Cohen’s involvement with China spans nearly 50 years, beginning in his days as a young Congressman from Maine in 1978 when he travelled to China to meet with Deng Xiaoping as China’s economic reforms were being launched. Secretary Cohen is a member and former Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of the US-China Business Council. 

Examples of The Cohen Group support related to China  

Government Relations and Regulation

  • Secured Chinese regulatory approval of a medical device after a multi-year delay.
  • Facilitated the negotiation of a multi-million-dollar land compensation agreement for a client from a local industrial park.
  • Helped US-based chemicals manufacturer respond to a government relocation directive, ultimately securing a lease extension for its plant and ensuring continuous operations. 
  • Supported a global water, hygiene, and infection prevention solutions provider in relocating its manufacturing plant and meeting local safety and environmental protection regulations.
  • Secured expedited approval from Chinese competition authorities of a nearly $30 billion acquisition in the consumer products sector. 

Strategic Planning

  • Helped a major healthcare company “future proof” its footprint in China, including developing and assessing alternative structures to prepare the client for multiple scenarios that could unfold.
  • Worked with senior executives at multiple American firms, in both manufacturing and service sectors, to develop and implement crisis management plans for operations in China.
  • Conducted tabletop exercises and geopolitical risk projects for clients from multiple sectors.
  • Advised the boards of directors and senior management of numerous US and international firms on the trajectory of US-China relations, the likely impact on their businesses, and mitigation strategies.